I'm Ao Dong

A graduate student, a software Engineer, and a snowboarder in Canada. I'm passionate about building stuff (such as software, backend APIs and full-stack web apps), and solving problems.



About Me


I have two horses, who are my TRUE INTERESTS: the first one is called building things (such as applications, websites, and furniture); the second one is solving problems (as logical, mathematical and algorithm problems).

They are so strong and elegant and restlessly pull me to my goals. I enjoy very much this journey riding my horses on the road of software engineering because programming is such a satisfying thing to me.

Driven by my two horses, on my carriage made of analytical, problem-solving, teamwork and organizational skills, I am also being chased by a wolf.

My wolf is one part of my characteristics - I extremely dislike letting others down. It has made me a significantly reliable person. When sometimes I have to achieve objectives where my horses are not very happy to go, my wolf can always make sure that the job will be done well.

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My Skills

Building Software

Build full-stack web app, serverless web app, and microservices for REST APIs with Java Spring Boot, Python Django, Nodejs, Reactjs and cloud platforms.

Solving Problems

To me, logical, mathematical and algorithm problems are fascinating. During an internship as a Cloud Developer, I solved many problems crossing teams, including the problems related to Java Spring, Python Flask, Postman, Jenkins, Elasticsearch, and GitHub.

Programming Language & Frameworks

Java, Spring Boot, Python, Django, Flask, JavaScript, React, Nodejs, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Bash

Tools & Frameworks

Microservices, Serverless, REST API, Docker, Postman, Jenkins, Eureka, Zuul, Cloud Config, Feign, Maven, MySql, DynamoDB, AWS, GCP, Azure, PCF, Heroku, Agile, GitHub

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